Working Aptitude Evaluation
The purpose of the Working Aptitude Evaluation is to help determine if your Doberman has the attitude to do the work for which the breed was intended — that of companion and protector.
We congratulate you on your willingness to test your Doberman and hope the information contained in this instructional PDF will be helpful.
Among its suggestions: Realize that test results do not reveal your dog’s total temperament. The tests do make a valuable contribution to what you know about your dog and give you important reference points for planning your dog’s future.
Download “Handling Your Doberman Through the Working Aptitude Evaluation”
Specialty Shows
A “specialty show” is a dog show that only has Doberman Pinscher entries. The Doberman Pinscher Club of Northern California has put on 87 Specialties and 67 Obedience Trials since its founding in 1936.
The shows are held for the primary purpose of promoting our breed and having a great venue for Doberman fanciers to gather together. Shows feature a pot luck during lunch and a raffle. A portion of the profits from the show and raffle are donated to health and rescue efforts for our breed. See our Shows & Events page for more information.